My recent projects focus on presupposition projection, both from theoretical and experimental perspectives. I also have a more general interest in redundancy phenomena, where I've investigated cases like Hurford disjunctions/conditionals. Moreover, I have undertaken projects on the semantics pseudo-incorporation and the syntax of agreement in Western Armenian.
Kalomoiros, A. (2023). Presupposition and its (A-)symmetries. PhD Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania. [availabe here]
Presuppositions project asymmetrically, unless they don't. (with Matt Mandelkern, Jacopo Romoli, and Florian Schwarz). [To appear in the proceedings of Amsterdam Colloquium 2024 (link here)]
Presupposition projection from 'and' vs 'or': Experimental data and theoretical implications (with Florian Schwarz) [Published in the Journal of Semantics (link here)]
An approach to Hurford Conditionals [Published in the proceedings of SALT 33 (link here)]
Limited Symmetry [Published in LNCS (link here). Caveat lector: this paper dates to 2021. It was published in 2024 because of editorial delays. It's included here as it represents a concise summary of the ideas, but the formalism is superseded by the dissertation]
Presupposition projection from coordinations of polar questions: A reply to Enguehard 2021 [Paper published in Natural Language Semantics (link here)]
Presupposition projection from the scope of quantifiers: A novel approach [Published in the Proceedings of the Amsterdam Colloquium 2022 (link here)]
Deriving the (a)-symmetries of projection [Paper published in NELS 52 (link here). Superseded by the dissertation]​
Presupposition projection from 'and' vs 'or': an experimental comparison (with Florian Schwarz). [Paper published in the proceedings of SuB 26 (link here). Superseded by 2024 Journal of Semantics paper.]​
Non-Agreement in Western Armenian. [Paper published in the proceedings of NELS 51 (link here)]
Bare singulars and pseudo-incorporation in Western Armenian [Paper published in the proceedings of SALT 31 (link here)]
Presupposition projection from disjunction is symmetric (with Florian Schwarz) [Published in the proceedings of the LSA 2021 (link here). Superseded by 2024 Journal of Semantics paper.]